Earthquake model

Terra Seismic global prediction methodology adheres to some widely accepted assumptions. It is based on observing and detecting real geophysical processes that always occur below the earth’s surface before earthquakes. While earthquakes happen very suddenly for humans, they are not sudden for nature. In nature, earthquakes build up over time in a gradual process involving accumulating a huge amount of physical stress. This accumulated stress is released as enormous energy when the earthquake strikes.

For example, a magnitude eight earthquake releases the same amount of energy as the joint explosion of about one thousand atomic bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima. We argue that such enormous stress accumulation can be detected well in advance. The area of the forthcoming earthquake will be stressed and behave differently from unstressed areas.

In practice, a global earthquake prediction is very similar to a doctor’s diagnosis of a patient with a medical problem, kidney disease for example, by collecting multiple analyses and without surgery. In our case, the whole world serves as the examined “patient.” Just as disease is a deviation from normalcy in the human body because something is wrong, abnormalities in geophysical parameters indicate that something is wrong in this part of the world. Before a strong or major earthquake, we notice anomalies in the data we are collecting which signal that a strong event is approaching.